Surtsey Research Progress Report – VII (1974) Click on title/name and PDF file will open 1. Introduction 2. Biology 2.1 Hörður Kristinsson 1974: Lichen colonization in Surtsey 1971-1973. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 9-16. 2.2 O. Holmberg & B. Pejler 1974: On the terrestrial microfauna of Surtsey during the summer 1972. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 17-19. 2.3 Aðalsteinn Sigurðsson 1974: Report on the sampling of the benthic fauna of Surtsey 1970, 1971 and 1974. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 20-21. 2.4 G.H. Schwabe 1974: Nitrogen fixing blue-green algae as pioneer plants on Surtsey 1968-1973. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 22-25. 2.5 E.A. Sjögren 1974: Temperatures, steam emission and moss cover in thermal areas of Surtsey. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 26-34. 2.6 B. Sohlenius 1974: Nematodes from Surtsey II. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 35. 2.7 L.E. Henriksson & E. Henriksson 1974: Studies in the nitrogen cycle of Surtsey in 1972. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 36-44. 2.8 Skúli Magnússon & Sturla Friðriksson 1974: Moss vegetation on Surtsey in 1971 and 1972. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 45-57. 3. Geology & Geophysics 3.1 J.O. Norrman, B. Calles & R.Å. Larsson 1974: The geomorphology of Surtsey Island in 1972. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 61-71. 3.2 V. Lorenz 1974: Studies of the Surtsey tephra deposits. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 72-79. 3.3 Leifur A. Símonarson 1974: Fossils from Surtsey – A Preliminary Report. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 80-82. 3.4 Páll Einarsson 1974: Seismic activity recorded in Surtsey during the summer of 1966. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 83-90. 3.5 Þorbjörn Sigurgeirsson 1974: Final Report on geomagnitic measurements on Surtsey. Surtsey Research Progress Report VII: 91-94.